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Hey all,

we are aware a large number of you have been getting concerned/frustrated with a lot of spoilers in comments lately over here on Patreon. Luckily we have a system in place where we don't read the comments until they have been cleared by one of our mods and we have been told they are safe.  So please don't stress. that being said

If you are posting spoilers, please don't. we just delete the comment anyway, and it just makes it less enjoyable for everyone. We know sometimes people done think what they are saying is a spoiler, but if a mod asks you to change/delete it, just do so. they know better than any how we think and what we know, and know that sometimes even the slightest hint or reference can give away big details!

This is all in an effort to produce the most authentic reaction and first time viewing to a show we all love, that we can enjoy together. We love all the discussions in our comments and love reading them as a way to engage with you guys, especially over here on Patreon which is more intimate. we want to keep that culture going, minus the spoilers, which ruins our viewing experience and the quality of the reaction that you are watching.

Our mod SuddenImpulse attaches these to every video but I'm going to attach it here and hope you refresh on it so there is little confusion on what constitutes a spoiler and what doesn't!


Please keep all information to the episodes they have watched. Spoiler comments will be deleted, and quickly.*

*You can talk about anything within reason but please:*

*1.* No show spoilers

*2.* No book spoilers that don't follow the flavor lore exception. No debate!

*3.* No character/character arc spoilers

*4.* No future event/episode hints or spoilers

*5.* No cheeky hints/semi-vague remarks about spoiler material, future episodes etc. they can be figured out.

*6.* Avoid setting expectations with any specifics that can lead to them figuring things out they shouldn't, such as "it was good until X season", "don't get attached to x character", "wait until you get to episode X"

*7.* No trailer, promo etc. spoilers.

*8.* Please avoid discussion of the differences between the show and the books, or any controversies related to such in the last few seasons. Too much of this will influence and color their natural opinions and reactions. Let the reactors watch the show and craft their own opinions on the show through their own experience please. Just like all show-only watchers were allowed to when they watched this when it first aired.

*Flavor Lore Exceptions:*  Anything that does NOT contain spoilers, to help provide understanding or context for the episode is fine. Explaining the Kingsguard's celibacy oath or how the last names of b-stards names work are examples. Be careful with this please!!

*Join us in our Game of Thrones Discord Channel!:* Spoiler talk for the show and books is allowed here IF using spoiler tags! -We now have specific channels for all currently watched shows. You may discuss spoiler material in those discord channels, but you MUST use the spoiler hiding blocks.

-If you are unsure if it is okay to post, ask yourself: A) Has the show explained this up to this point? B) If not, does it fall under flavor lore where it will not impact their reaction or experience in any negative way to know this info?

These are all of our mods across Youtube, Discord, and Patreon: 

  • SuddenImpulse 
  • Wilson 
  • Shellbot 
  • BlackCaiman16 
  • Jonoridge 
  • CheekyWalrus


Stannis loves grammar.

i like seeing how wrong or right their thought process is. so keep them in the dark. we don't have too many more episodes if you really put it in


Y'all are awesome I know for myself I don't really comment for accidentally spoiling anything I'm glad you have good mods, thanks for the content rockstars!