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Alright S&P Fam,

We have read your comments, looked at the poll results, and also taken into consideration our experience of the Pirates journey, and we have made a decision....
We will be finishing Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise by reacting to 4 & 5!

When factoring in how much fun we are having with the Pirates universe and the character of Jack Sparrow, our hearts felt it was right for us to finish all 5 movies. We also thought it would be a disservice to those who have been enjoying the journey alongside us and to the 40%+ who voted in favour of this decision.

We know some people will be disappointed with this. Inevitably, someone unfortunately always will be. Please remember it is only 2 weeks, and then we will move on to many other movies. We are definitely here for a long time, not just a good time!

(This reaction will come out late next week as this week we are unable to record it this week)

We appreciate you all. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Spartan & Pudgey 💜❤️



YES!!!! Again, y'all can skip those reactions. It's TWO WEEKS. Not everyone is gonna be interested in everything they are watching. There are a lot of reactions I don't watch because I'm not interested in those shows/movies so sometimes I have to wait for weeks/months for what I'm interested in. Also, whining about how the polls don't matter and comparing it to shows that are several seasons is ridiculous. They do the polls to get an idea of what people want but at the end of the day it's THEIR DECISION. They also take into account if there's not THAT much difference. 400 people still voted for them to continue and they would have lost out on that but you can literally skip it and come back in 3 weeks. Get over it.



Lyn Hurst

Wondering if the crankiness is because someone poured out the rum 😉

Michael Harrop

People are way too harsh on Pirates 4 and 5. They're just good fun movies!

Jay R

Can’t wait!

Jay R

When are they dropping?