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So my god, I've not drawn Suki, Baal, or any of my chars in what feels like AGES. I really wanna get back to my cast, but I had to deal with some brain itch or I was going to lose my mind! Here's some sketch collections I did one day featuring my chars and my friends' chars doing a buncha wacky horny stuff I want to do more of, even some ideas for animations tucked in here too >;3




VERY cute stuff! And I'm deffinitely paying attention Miss Suki don't worry...>:3

Purrine Puff

Oh my good gosh goodness, cutesy puffy paws. Thank you so much.


Those Baal doodled are very hot, holy moly Love these sketches


The boob stuff in these is particularly fantastic. Love that kiss!


I'm sorry miss suki, it hard to pay attention with your giant size. awesome sketches :)