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Wow I'm behind DX I'm so sorry for the delays on this but I've actually been fixing and fixing things in the hopes that I can make this just absolutely as good as I can muster. I still am feeling the limitations of my own abilities, but meh.

This is something I've wanted to draw for a long time, the sketch winner this month was Tawna Bandicoot from Crash 4 being belly inflated, so I thought it would be awesome to have it be her older self belly inflating her! Alternate realities converge! I hope you all enjoy these two as much as Crash is :>




I think your hard work has really paid off, it's awesome seeing how you've progressed over the years. Very beautiful job, and I wish you the best of luck on the upcoming projects you have in mind.


Awaaah thank you soooo much!!! That really means a lot, I still want to get even better ;3; and I can't wait to show even more huge projects!!!