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Well, everything has been rather good and rather bad over the holiday. I've spent the holiday times at home being with family and then after new years, I staffed MAGfest in DC. While I had a nice time overall during all of it, I was unfortunately sick essentially throughout it all. During the first week gone, I managed to get a Flu that kept me hacking and pained through christmas in spite of my best efforts. After that, before MAG that flu transformed into a Sinus Infection that had me temporarily going deaf l3 It wasn't good and yet in that time I still managed to do some drawing. I hope to get back to posting and activity here soon, this month has a lot of good things coming!

What precisely is coming this month? Well we have:

-A fully finished image of a Tamamo no Cat huge and fat

-A belly expansion coloured sketch of Callie Briggs

-A new animation, belly inflation as well, Starring Sarah >;3

Thank you all for your patience, this is gonna be a fun month now that I'm feeling mostly better :3 Look forward to the next polls for content coming next week!



Keep it up man! Sorry ya got sick


Sorry you went through that mess during the holidays but I hope your feeling better now


Ouch man! That sounded like a real pain, but glad to see you doing better! Can't wait to see what you have planned


Nice to know it's getting better, sinus infection is treatable with antibiotics. When you get better make sure to swap out your toothbrush. Happy New years.


Keep up the good fight and feel better.

Starlight Blaze

Glad to hear you are alright and hope things get better, can't wait to see everthing <3 good luck Mabo you can do it.


Geeze man, the flu's only suppose to keep you bedridden for a week. What happened?


I hope you are feeling better by now Mabo. I got sick twice over the break (College student), so I can understand being sick over the holiday's sucking. Was even sick on Christmas day, was a real downer since I couldn't hug any of my family or sever my own food. Humans are fragile and weak creatures, aren't we? x3