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Update: unfortunately the only way I can afford to get a new one at a reasonable price, and we are talking like a third of the price to 1/5 of the price otherwise, is to order it from a site that does not have a guaranteed shipping time. As a result of this it seems that I am a little in trouble. I will apparently know when it will be shipped by Monday but it could take anywhere from one to two weeks. Needless to say I will be a little bit behind on this month's final prizes but I will have some apologies and makeups in between then. For now I will do some uploading of other sketches and pictures that I have been doing around my major work too. Thank you all for being understanding and once I have my computer cable back I'm going to focus on pumping out what I have fallen behind on. At the very least, my friend has a charger cable for my type of computer as well and I'm going to see if I can't finish the last bit of miru's picture today. Once again thank you all for understanding and supporting through a rather difficult time right now.

It's been beat up for awhile now, but I've lost my laptops power source for now. This is not a good time for this to happen, but hopefully I can get the part as soon as possible and keep working. This means this month's pieces may be a bit late, and I apologize (though miru's is almost done!) Thank you for bearing with me for now...


Starlight Blaze

Dang wish could send you mine (dunno how good it be though since got it from my roomate) but hope you are able to get a new one. And its fine take your time mabo.

Mister Blitzy

Ouch, I am so sorry that happened, Mano. Least it did have a good run as you worked. Hopefully you can get a replacement as soon as you can!


oof. Computer access cables are the worst, they're so dang expensive. Hope that new one works well!


Oh dear, do you need some help?


Don't worry, inaction is my nemesis right now and I have a way people can help me soon enough!