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So as an update for living, I am still staying somewhere comfortable, but have found a place to live and will be moving in in August! :D

I haven't been able to go through and do SO many things on my sites, so let me give a small set of thank you's right now.

First of all thank you all SO MUCH for your concern and support, this has been a hard time, and I'm KIND OF getting behind on some things, but this is making the upcoming weeks just extremely busy! I have a LOT of art going to come up in the next couple weeks, keep an eye out!

Second, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES AND ART! I've not gotten to go through it all in depth, but everything is B E A UTIFUL! I can't thank you all for being so generous with your talents and time, and will not only give everybody a personalized thank you soon but also compile it all for everybody to see!

Third, July promises to be extremely busy. I'm going to Anthrocon at the beginning of the month and Sizecon at the end, and between then and now I have a LOT OF ART to finish! DX I've gotta be cranking out as much as I can in the next few days to finish two prints and my last patreon image, and then buckle down on stickers, badges and buttons! SO MUCH TO DO.

Thank you ll for your continued support, I'm moving somewhere REALLY wonderful and going to be focusing full time on art as I forge my foundation there before trying to find a more moderate balance! As with always, gotta focus on bigger and better things! Be well everybody!


Starlight Blaze

;w; thats really great mabo miss you, and good luck at geting all that stuff done you can do it!


Glad to see your doing alright, and take your time, take care of yourself first.