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I am safe and comfortable and looking for new place, thank you everybody for the outpouring of support and good wishes. I'm not in a financial crunch, just working on establishing myself as quickly as possible somewhere better. As long as I balance this and work on patreon I will be able to make this transition easily. The short version of my situation is that I've been living at home for awhile, first to help my mom through surgeries and then to try and aide the house. However, though we love one another we awhile constantly at odds, and our fights and arguments escalated to an extreme yesterday that resulted in her throwing me out. I gathered my things and left and will not be going back barring cataclysmic circumstance. Thank you everybody for your kindnesses, support, concern, even some surprise donations, but I promise I'm fine. I've been supporting myself through my work already, I'm just letting this be the fire to finally burn my butt back to independence... I just wish it hadn't been so awful...



Good luck and Godspeed.


Awww is never fun when you start fight your parents, I hope you find a new place soon.

Starlight Blaze

Well thats good so good luck at finding a new home.


You have my sympathies. Being thrown out sucks. I wish i didn't leave ny parents on a sour note either.