August Personal Work Poll!
- TMMS (99%) 22
- Disruptive Tendencies 2 (45%) 19
- Bubble Bria sequence (25%) 9
- Suki's Pumps Sequence (45%) 35
- Suki's Blower (50%) 10
So you've all decided on comics and sequences! Here I will provide the projects we can choose from, a link to the project, a percentage of it's completion and a description of what still must be done! So pick which one I should work on next month, knowing that I will work on the second place one should I finish whatever wins first place!
TMMS (99%) I think this needs no description, but I have two more pages and some bonus pinups left to finish the current arc! Once it's done, I will put it on hiatus for another longer project and come back to it later on!
Disruptive Tendencies 2 (45%) This is the next chapter of my paid comic series, it's completely sketched out (except for covers and bonus art. The sketches aren't linked anywhere but would be uploaded as I finished main pages. This project would be a for-sale comic, and all patrons at level $10+ would get it for free of course. There is one more chapter after this one as well that's not drawn at all as of yet.
Bubble Bria sequence (25%) This sequence is half inked, the whole thing is super roughed out, and has more than a few bonus images and such with it as well. It's going to be fully coloured and have some text with it as well, and she has many more wacky shapes to end up in as well! I also have a second half-done sequence involving her and her girlfriend, where the same manner of things are happening but with lesbian antics to boot! I'm not counting this in the percentage but it's something to look forward to. When it is finished it would be posted free for all like any other monthly project on here.
Suki's Pumps Sequence (45%) This is a fun little art pack/sequence of Suki going to school in a pair of pumps, filling herself up bigger and bigger until she can't keep it together anymore and loses it in public! This would be another paid art package that patrons would get for free. Somewhere between a sequence and a comic, and I would do a couple more bonus images probably too!
Suki's Blower (50%) This is the smallest thing on this list, but would be a fun little sequence to fully colour and render. It would also be treated as any other monthly project, released in full the month after it's done :>