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After the release of the last update the was a brief rest period then I got into bug fixing for the bug fix update that came out around the 6th, then a more proper rest period, into talking with artists about things, like a small touch up prior to the Nicci teaser that me and Jiffic missed because her boobs were too perfect. Then once that was teased I set to getting her files set up for the game and with how large she is, and how detailed the art is, she actually has two image sets for far and close up to better show off her assets. And I also soon remembered I needed to make a new main menu bubble for her, which was fun, by which I mean the one with her and Perpetua not the floating ones.

Then going into her files to update all her old expressions to account for the new ones, set up the new effects she has, like leaf top, for relevant scenes, and at this point all her art is set up in game, then Christmas time rolled in and I ended up potating more than I planned on. I don't even feel that rested tbh xD
And have since started doing the other part of the Nicci plan to update her existing content to be written at modern standards, whiiiich turned out to be more of an endeavor than expected even with her not having a ton of content, her stuff is very old and I saw a lot more room for improvement than I was expecting, cause I thought it'd just be tying together some lines and minor tune ups. Instead her agree to bath scene is much more erotically powerful now, at least in my opinion. And I still need to go over her fight content more, which thankfully her dialogue is still very good overall.

Nicci aside there's also been some assorted bug fixes and typo things addressed in-between, as well as editing some new work from Val for the update.

Which speaking of update, v25.9 will come out next month, in a week or two, cause I don't wanna rush that out through new years weekend, and it will have the Nicci art and mentioned tune ups with some other stuff.

Then once that is out [and any needed bugs are fixed] I'll start working on v26 for the next capital chunk update for reals this time.
I also have the art I wanted for it now too. Not fully sure if it will be part of the initial chunk tho tbh, overall working on the capital feels very daunting despite how much I've been looking forward to working on it. But I think I'm ready to start digging into it, then probably still alternate between other things to break it up. When v26 comes out I hope people will enjoy it though. :D ...Even though the update version numbers at this point kind of make no sense compared to my initial intention behind them. xD



Awesome stuff! I'll also say, beware of the trap of fixing old content. It can consume any kind of creator. If, years from now, you look back and see that the endgame content is clearly better than the early stuff, that's ONLY A GOOD THING, because everything so far is already good, and "keeps getting better" is better than the alternative. You're not going to create a many-years-long project that completely hides its strata of evolution. It's a platonic impossibility. Stuff avoids visible strata either by being made quickly (which usually means small projects or big teams. also note revisiting old content is counter to quickness) or by being constrained and characterless. ...just writing this wall of text because I have preexisitng thoughts on the topic and the Nicci-rewrites reminded me of them, not because I have reason to fear you specifically getting stuck in this way.