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In November a number of things got accomplished, even if it wasn't the fully content focused update I wanted it to be.

There was assorted fixes for the v25.7 update given it didn't need a bug fix update in there, a bunch of edits/typo fixes in a number of files reported by users, and some balancing changes like making it so both monster and player evasion can't scale into infinity, Beris.

I also spent some time tuning up the renpy autosave with how it works in MGD, which is a lot simpler than it probably sounds, and this should make the auto saving system more reliable for making actually useful auto saves, while also allowing me to force auto saves, for things like when talking with Rika before entering the capital, just in case. Which should stop any further agony for users with that issue. Barring the auto saves not fully working properly, so do give feedback on that if you can.

There was also some bug reports that spiraled a bit into fixing other things I noticed, specifically some reported issues with stances that led me into realizing a bunch of problems with the old code there so I bonked it into working better and improved the enemy AI with struggling, as it also wasn't really working properly all the time. And the monsters not benefitting from you being stunned [or whatever] in relation to escaping stances the same way the player can when stunning a monster and free escaping, as rare as it is for monsters to be in this situation, it should still work like this.

Then similarly checking into some grid-map/labyrinth jank led into fixing multiple events occurring at once [like the issue of running into Ushris/Beris and one of the tiles that triggers the lights to turn on/off in phase 1 of the stage not changing the light], which then led into me fixing some of the jankness with movement animations on the map when you hit an event. The gridmap stuff probably needs more assorted stuff like this but I don't think any of it is vital at this point and can be done a little bit at a time.

Plus a bunch of other assorted fixes and stuff that got done this month. 

Ceris' wall press Cg got implemented, and given it's only in one scene atm I kind of want to make another one where she uses it, wanted to for the update but never got to it with the Ambrosia stuff and editing things and other stuffs. May make one for next update.

Next update [v25.9/v26] I'm not sure at the moment for what I'll focus on for it yet, there's a likely bug fixes that need to get done so there might be a patch first but that will depend on how bad the bugs actually are. There's an amount of assorted smut content I want to add, art things [oh right i need to tease that still], slome vllge updatings, or capital stuff I could do, well, and more, but point is its kind of hard to choose which to focus on next. Though with the many Qol/fix updates there has been this year I do kind of feel like I should focus on adding capital district things. First though I need to do bug fixing and then I'll formulate the plan, which probably won't be interrupted by Christmas.



Would Heather or Vili get any capital scene in the future?

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FWIW I vote for focusing on adding capital district content, but of course we'll be happy with whatever new content you add