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Belated because of doing the update day prior late into the night, didn't get it out before day turn over my time but I did get the update out.

Last month was kinda weird with some of the stuff that occurred, like lengthy sinus headache and some assorted development things. But there was a number QoLs and fixes that were done in the first halfish of the month, and a lotttt of typo/editing fixes that got reported from older content.

But when I got to thinking on what I felt like working on at the moment, I eventually decided on and planned out the stuff for Sleim Vllge progression, taking a number of mental iterations on how I wanted its progression to be handled and how to do the fishing game thing. 

Said minigame was pretty easy and quick to implement overall, and I wouldn't mind giving it a few tweaks/options over time, but It's definitely not a priority, and I would like feedback on it despite how simple it is. I did for a while also consider making it the rather standard moving bar reeling type game, or the timing/rhythm method, but both of those generally are supplemented by graphics or other visual cues, and controls that may not really work well for renpy, or could take a while to play, so I went with something quick and easy for everyone involved that just involves hitting the buttons as they appear before time runs out. I may also add other fish or even some events that can occur when fishing, but again, not really a priority right now.

Then it was solidifying the item progression of silvers store, which primarily gains items you would need to farm from fighting to let those be easier to get, with a few special ones as it goes. Along with what method to actually have the town grow, which, it is primarily money, but if it was just money that would be kinda boring and a bit too easy to do, so that's why the recruiting and fishing are good alternatives to progression, while the recruiting adventure/quests/scenes are also kinda needed for adding new people like the Bubble Slime, along with unlocking more store items and content for that character. And I intend to give her a bit more for the next update so her options aren't entirely just "sex" and "leave".

But otherwise the recruitment things were meant to help give you more time with Perpetua in a sort of date not really situation, which will likely persist in the other ones that will be done in time, and also have some player agency options for interactions, and some kind of goal in them that needs to be done that isn't just battle fucking and/or money, while also hopefully being entertaining.

I intended to try and get more assorted stuff done on top of all that, but that didn't really pan out due to sinuses and other weird things, and vaguely underestimating the amount of writing for the green slime recruitment, so I'll try to get some of those bits done in with the mentioned bubble slime stuff.

Valentin Cognito has helped a lot as an editor and extra writer when he has the time, like with the very fun Auria content, and for the editing, well I haven't needed to do much at all for typo fixing/editing recent content compared to before.

feltcutemightcleanlater has also been very diligent with providing an assortment of help with both fixes for some assorted bugs, improving the modding docs, and making QoL stuff that I wouldn't have the time for with all the content stuff I should be working on.

It's always weird to think of MGD as a solo project when I get so much stuff from so many artists and writers. xD (Be sure to check the game credits some time.)

For November I'm tempted to try and do a weekly small update for content writing if I can for fun, cause it's November. But I might also not and start on the Capital's first district or one of the many other things on my todo list.  Definitely give the Bubble Slime a bit more though. Probably not more overarching Sleim Vllge stuff right away though. Probably.

For the capital there is a bit of character art I'm waiting on at the moment, because past me made a silly mistake for something I'll explain when relevant, unless I forget to, but I do wonder if people would want art on release of new characters at this point, or if they'd be fine with ye old character card descriptions popping up again on occasion?



I think it'd be safe to think of MGD as a solo vision instead of a solo project.


I think I would prefer letting the art get done. While I really love the writing in this game, the visual aspects help immensely and help the story and world become more immersive. Please take your time. I've been playing MGE on and off for the past few years and I'm used to the flow of things now lol.

Terra Parker

Given how common it is for patreon games, and especially ero ones, to just kind of quietly die off while the devs keep collecting donations, I really appreciate how steadily you keep up communication even when development is a bit slower than you anticipate. The most important thing is not to burn yourself out! One step at a time, within your means, is all that anyone can expect. ❤️


No need to rush, just, please some more steppy enemy and art


I second this. It's nice to leave the game alone for a year then come back to it and have all these new characters to meet. I was really surprised when I found the labyrinth chase was all mapped out.