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Labyrinth Explore BG Swapping Opinion Poll

  • Events should always have backgrounds reflective of where they actually are. 351
  • The background can stay the labyrinth one mostly. 149
  • They should be random. 36
  • I don't really care. 125
  • 2023-08-11
  • —2023-08-19
  • 661 votes
{'title': 'Labyrinth Explore BG Swapping Opinion Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Events should always have backgrounds reflective of where they actually are.', 'votes': 351}, {'text': 'The background can stay the labyrinth one mostly.', 'votes': 149}, {'text': 'They should be random.', 'votes': 36}, {'text': "I don't really care.", 'votes': 125}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 19, 3, 30, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 11, 18, 27, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 661}


Given assorted reports on from people on how it currently works, and some thinking on the matter myself, I want to ask, what is your opinion on how backgrounds in the labyrinth exploration should work? As in them swapping when you get to events or fights.



Random imo good, twists the usual encounters into stuff that isn't quite right, like Laberynth's atmosphere


I would otherwise say "always use the labyrinth background" or "random" to make the labyrinth as labyrinth-y as possible, BUT: Some events inherently make reference to their surroundings. If the text is gonna imply that you're seeing (an illusion of) the original places, the background art should probably reflect that. Best of both worlds option: Use the labyrinth background for normal fights and 'generic' events like the mimic, while most events reflect their 'actual' locations. (It might even be fun for standard encounters to show the labyrinth walls at first, but use more and wilder random backgrounds the longer you spend in the labyrinth. But that sounds like scope creep.)


I think the actual best option is "whatever is easiest to implement" because the labyrinth should be a bonus feature, not something that takes up a bunch of programming time. The labyrinth cool, but I'm concerned that getting too caught up in optimizing a bonus feature like this would take away from development of the core game. The labyrinth is supposed to be weird, so I don't think any of the options are "wrong".


I mean, if your looking for the essayist solution. You could just go for "All of the Above". Just make an option that allows you to toggle how it is when you Start your run.


I mean, eventually I would like to see the scene swaps have interactions with the BG and CG arts, but I don't feel like MGD is there yet, so I feel like it's a fun polishing idea for later down the road. For right now, considering that there are scenes and actions in other parts of the game that don't alter or change the background (such as running into Nova in the cave where there is molten lava), I feel like keeping the labyrinth BG as it is won't be a deal breaker for most that jave played MGD for a while. Heck, it's a nice present to just get CGs going honestly. I'm not too focused on BGs as much as I'm hoping for all monster girls to get their own CGs lol.


Nextgener has a very good idea though it will most definaly require a HUGE amount of code to work but JinToujou is also kinda right. As for how i stand i would rather see the game get polished first before moveing on to any other ideas.


Does the prospect of diverse backgrounds excite you?


I think what makes more sense than asking who "doesn't care" is to poll for patrons' preference as to which game feature you put in next. Make us trade off one good thing for another.