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Okay now that I'm not spending the entire day finishing up v25.4 things I'll make this. :D 

v25.4 ended up being more of a thing than expected for time with the hiccups I ran into with implementing Beris' CG, and the mino CG being finished during the development and me deciding to add it, plus a copious number of fixes and things to toss in, and a number by Felt that I needed to go over and test and back and forth with him on.
Plus the scattered new scenes that were in it too that needed to be edited and gone over.
Along with behind the scenes stuff like artist messages, sorting some things out, and initial looks into the viability of putting the game on steam [still free] for accessibility and visibility. But that situation is in no rush atm if it pans out at all. 

So my original goal of mid last month didn't end up happening lol.

Next will be a fix patch, should either be today or tomorrow. For the weird things that slipped through.

Then for v25.5 I will finally get the Imp CG in, delayed that for the priorly mentioned issues I expect to run into finishing implementing it. Maybe a few smol QoL things I've been made aware of. A bit of other scattered character content I have on my 'want to add' todo list still. Then depending on what art assets I acquire might shift some things around for priority, otherwise though it should be open to start implementing the first district of the capital? I think.



Putting it on steam might be a good idea, but i would suggest to also put it on itch.io, steam blocks shop pages for adult games here in Germany, so we here cant access them.


looking forward to V25.5! Side note, are there any plans for more Jora content? Fav character and all that :p