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Well v25.3 kind of ended up a cascading "Well what if I just add this too" so it ended up taking longer to come out than planned between QoL stuff, mod manager stuff from felt, and me wanting to add extra content to assorted area's and make the kiosk revisitable, but I hope people enjoyed the update.

Originally Lovol wasn't planned to be in it, then I decided why not with all the assorted Ampere things suggesting towards her.

During the update I also drafted up a map of the locations in the capital and their connections to others for traversal and so I could make Ampere's conversations about them properly accurate with the names and what they have going on.

To avoid feature creep some locations in the capital might get cut down from some of the things I have written down, but at the very least the capital location can be done in chunks which will mean it shouldn't end up in big delayed month long no update stretches.

There's also been a number of assorted QoL and fixes worked on for the last update and further into the next update.

Once v25.3 was out and bug fixes done I took a bit of rest time before starting to pick away at more assorted fixes and bug reports and stuff, as well as multiple backend things related to direct update progress like contacting artists, some fun discord server stuff, contemplating the tiers (as posted prior), looking up the potential of putting the game on steam [free to download as always], writing commission stuffs, and more. Like planning out my todo schedule for the next update.     ...I should go update the content plans page after I'm done this write up.

But yes plans!

Next update [v25.4] I intend to get Beris' art CG into it, and finish up the imp CG implementation as Kark has handed it off to me to finish off due to issues on his end and also the implementation of a multicharacter in fight cg being more complicated than initially thought, and likely requires me to add some extra infrastructure, will find out when I look it over. Imp CG could get pushed back an extra update if it proves an issue.

I also intend to do a few scattered lewds between some characters.

Then probably start setting up the first district in the capital, which would be the Eros district and contain shops primarily, unsure if it would have anything substantial at that point to see though, as it will take a while for the location to be properly filled out.

I think that's everything I plan on doing atm. Will see how it goes though, might break it up more than that if some things take a while.

I hope everyone has a great day, and thank you for your support. :D


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-30 19:29:31 Will we see developments in character arcs such as Sophia & Stella both inferring that further events will be unlocked with them once we have access to the Capitol? Is that more of an ancillary development item, or somewhere on the current development timeline?
2023-06-30 16:48:48 Will we see developments in character arcs such as Sophia & Stella both inferring that further events will be unlocked with them once we have access to the Capitol? Is that more of an ancillary development item, or somewhere on the current development timeline?

Will we see developments in character arcs such as Sophia & Stella both inferring that further events will be unlocked with them once we have access to the Capitol? Is that more of an ancillary development item, or somewhere on the current development timeline?


Stella's capital interactions I for one am VERY excited for. More bag mimic content, wooo!


Sofia's stuff will be done after the capital+casino is done sometime. Stella will be fairly late into the capital+casino stuff.