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Some of you may be wondering why there wasn't a Status Report in April, and the answer is simple.
I forgor.

So I will try to recap that too! Probably very poorly.

So back in April with the capital intro update, v25 out, and the April fools MBD game thing out, I set some polls up for info collection and feedback, like the status effect one for the sake of kinks, while also moving into doing many bug fixes and QoLs for the game.
Before finishing the month with the planned Labyrinth Explore gauntlet thing, and the rehaul to Iabel's floor! ...Which I should probably do a poll for feedback actually!   
As well as getting more fixes and Qols, with art things like ensuring the lake location is more obviously a selectable locations.

Which would be all that happened in April really?
Much post v25 clean up and house keeping type stuff, with new game features, while fixing the worst labyrinth floor to be something more enjoyable.

I then took the first week of may off cause I was becoming a potato after all the work for getting v25 out then the follow up bug fixing and stuff.

Before then moving in to work on v25.2, which was originally just going to be like a bug fix update on the 15th, but then kinda snow balled into having more stuff, like the unexpected desktop mod loader/manage in client from Noeru and  Feltcutemightcleanlater that I spent time on for testing and ensuring nothing esploded.
As well as the inn room BG by Danimarion and the mimic lewd CG by Otani being finished, so no reason to not add those in too.
And also fixing fetishes to be much more mod compliant.

The week after that ended up mostly behind scenes stuff for communication and otherwise, as well as planning, but I have been working on v25.3 which currently includes bug fixes and bit of 'QoL content', like Beris at the bar properly registering you met at the Labyrinth.
Also there is now a 'Sell Excess' button to the sell menu in shops that sells all runes you have more than 3 of, and all accessories you have more than 1 of.

There will be a few other scattershot things I want to get into the update before release so it will probably be out at the end of this week or early next week depending. Expecting early next week just so I can make sure everything is gud.

As for what's next, aside from doing assorted things I feel like should get done, I'll be getting the capital entrance kiosk set up so you can talk with the Voltlin there even after the intro, likely with some new interactions. Then I can start chipping away at capital stuff... Which I'm not fully sure what I'll start on first as there is kind of a lot of options. I should prolly draft up a draft of the navigation so I know what's at the entrance and the adjacent options...



Do all the options! (jk... well I kinda sorta wish that you could but....) Keep up the good work!


Any plans to flesh out scenes with the hellhounds a bit? Iabel and Ushris feel pretty lacking in content compared to the other two


You're still #1, Thresh. Thank you for the update.

no one

we need a move that allows us to enter the eat out stance.