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Well I wanted to get the update out this month, but that's not happening. Which will be detailed below. 

All of the vital side section is now done as it needs to be with many words, which just leaves the fight to make, and then testing everything. Unless I try to jam some extra smol things in too.

With this month only having 28 days [and me forgoring about that], taking a week off that I should have taken the month prior, and getting sick for 2 days last week, getting it out this month isn't fully practical. Like, I could have probably crunched the rest of it out in the last week [if I also didn't get sick] to get it out for the 28th, but I decided to not do that to make sure the bugs and typos can be better accounted for. 

Sadly, no teaser image with this report. While there is more to show, anything else would just be spoilers. Moreover, depending on my pace and how much polish this update needs, it should be ready in only 1-2 weeks.

Aside from the update proper, I can now confirm that having an editor and putting new scenes through editing def adds some extra creation time to the scenes, but not to an unreasonable degree. It's a good time investment, given it helps ensure the quality of the scenes. It also means less future work [less typoed to hell text is gud], and overall better quality content.

Additionally I have contacted a number of the artists, primarily to look into getting more backgrounds with how ahead character art is. But many are currently occupied or busy however. So there will be further waiting on there.



It's okay we can wait just take ur time and have fun making the game


1-2 weeks is a small time to wait. Great pace, keep it up!


No problem, I still have the unnerfed Mimic version where I can powerlevel to my hearts desire so update taking longer is no biggie for me. Oh and about February only having 28 days, yeah this happened to me in Stardew Valley too as it is the only farmgame I know where the seasons/months has only 28 days.


stay healthy so you can keep working and not start to mentaly asociate sick with the game and so you can stay awesome :)


The game your making is of a high quality in my opinion so I'm fine waiting. I'd rather you be healthy and push out a product that you're satisfied with. I'll be honest i check every few days for updates and event these status reports are great so i know the wheels are turning and i can expect an addition to a game a never thought I'd love playing so much

Servo Kamen

Looking forward to it! Don't rush!


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast


Patiently waiting