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Well I meant to do this sooner, but I forgot to.

With the gold mimic and Ceris stuff done for now I'll move onto fixing bugs/typos for an update that will be soonish (today-next few days depending how much there is), then onto the capital intro stuffs.

And I do want to specify it will just be the intro. There won't be any capital exploration thingys yet.

There is definitely more I would like to do with Ceris and the gold mimic at some point, but this will do for now, they were very enjoyable to write for, Ceris especially felt like she needed the actual option to have sex with given how she went after the player for it.

And hopefully people enjoyed the side writing by others because there should be more of that in the future. :D

Editing stuff all continues to move smoothly for those portions, which has hopefully lead to an overall less typo and text box overflowed set of newer content from me. I also don't think the gold mimic would have turned out nearly as good without it.

I'm starting to get back into a smoother work flow again which is good, it's been really jank for a while now, and crimbas will not stop me this time. 

There likely wont be many if at all for art teasers this month, but we'll see, most of it has to wait until I start digging into the capital proper.

I think that's everything for now. :D



Any chance for some sexy time options with Iabel without the pretense of a labyrinth challenge as well?


Ceris is lovely. Maybe hellpupers for the endgame.