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v24->v24.a Patch DataDownload
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Remember to load your save from the town square.


  • Added an extra hint to floor three at the halfway point.


  • The games Renpy version has been updated, which should fix a number of visual bugs. Or maybe broke more things.
  • Fixed a display issue with moving around the gridmap and spaces happening constantly.
  • Fixed a player orgasm line being borked in Ushris' green tile trap.
  • Fixed one of Beris' combat events using Tech Instead of Int for its check when it says int.
  • Fixed Iabel's Golden Heart tile being able to leave you with 0 spirit.
  • Fixed an issue where talking to Beris would cause her floor to be registered as not beaten, making floor 3 unavailable even if you had beaten it. (You need to beat Beris' floor again if you already have encountered this issue.)
  • Fixed some event breaks with Iabel's Conquering Advance.
  • Fixed floor 3 not telling you when you got all the keys.
  • Fixed stance and status effect displays for large enemy groups.
  • Fixed an issue where end of combat event calls relating to pin could cause a very subtle, but major event break. Leading to weird church scenes and non-existent fights. For this fix to work, you need to leave the labyrinth if you're in it.


Sylas Martin

Still having issues with level three of the labyrinth i lost on level 3 and tried to go back and beat level 2 again but i am now soft-locked and can not progress. (But this update is amazing and thank you for creating this content.


I'm softlocked right now, I lost on level 3 and am unable to go past level 2 now (Still great update def worth the wait.)


I am having an issue where I can complete level 4, and get the event for having done so, but then I get put into a battle event with no enemy, and doing anything causes the game to crash.


Just as a heads up, floor three doesn't let you back into it. Even after clearing, you don't get the option to go to back to floor three.


Level 3 is cheesy with shifting map and pretty much total blindness. Someone help


On Android I also meet the bug with level 3, but for my case, I never explore the level. I arrived and have a discussion with her but didn't drink the tea and before going to level 3 I returned to the city and got softlock

KlonE SK

I can't return to level 3 at any point. I only tried revisiting Ushris after beating all 4, and I installed directly from this version, not v24.0.


Hey mate Don't know if you're going to read this, but might as well. There appears to be an issue with the Venefica fight. Unless it's intentional (which I hope it isn't), when I beat her when she's done her second stage, it'll say: "Shaken with pleasure, Venefica is completely helpless as she starts to magically fade away" That's normal, but then the next thing that appears on screen is what happens when you enter the Adventurers' Guild, allowing me to speak with Elena and Elly. Funnily enough, I can speak to Elly, confront Venefica and do the fight all over again. Unless I'm missing something, the fight doesn't seem to end even if you complete it. So, what's the issue here? Just haven't finished it or is this some bug?


You can enter floor 3 through floor 4 as of this update if you clear the labyrinth.


You can enter floor 3 through floor 4 as of this update if you clear the labyrinth.


If you fail level 3 though you're stuck and can't get back in. I've cleared level 2 three times now and can't get back.

KlonE SK

@Denix elaborate. There's no way back up to level 3 as far as I can see.


Same problem here. Left after floor 2 and can't get back to floor 3


@VoidedGames You should post this to the discord but you should also include what steps exactly you are taking to initiate the fight with Venefica.


I am having this exact same issue. This was also happening to me throughout the investigation as well... I just created a save at the exact line i beat her and i'll just hope for the best from here on out ig


idk if ur still having trouble but the map shifts only slightly. In that i mean key position remains the same. Off the top of my head two of the outer ring keys are dead ends, so go for outer first, inner is basically remains big circle and you can get them by just walking in a big circle. However during that stage a key will spawn back where you started


Not Denix, however @KlonE Denix is right. Assuming you make it to level 4 in the first place, it offers access to level three in the exact same way you would travel from floor 1 to floor 2 (upon completing 1). NOTE: It may require completion of floor 4 to travel to 3; i don't exactly remember.


This happened to me as well. I had to go from that screen to confront Venefica again, and when I won the second time it worked. Strange.