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Iabel's art is by Jiffic. Why yes, you are only getting a part of her outfit for now. (No, she's not invisible.)
Mika butt is by Applehead.

As for update #24 the labyrinth, things have been going marginally slower than planned.

Had some external stuff slow me down for like a week at the start of the month, and I've had issues working on Ceris' combat. So I did swap gears and work on some other stuff for the update for a while and have made some solid progress there, such as important fixes to the grid map, a global mechanic shared by the 4 sisters, 9 new accessories and 2 new rune, and other assorted stuffs.
As well as keeping art comms going smoothly. (I have more I could tease but I don't want people getting excited for things that wont be soon.) So once the labyrinth is done I'll def need to play art catch up again I think. Unless I try to bundle some of it into this update too.

May still break it into chunks so people don't have to wait too long for a update.
But otherwise I've still gotta do 4 fights and loss scenes for them. (I have made decent progress on Ceris tho.) And fights take a lotta time and effort to make.

Plus if I'm going past to do Ushris and Iabel's stuff then I'll need to add some new grid map stuff too.
And I also want to do a few conversations here and there with them as well.

But I'm pretty sure most people want the full thing in one go? Mebbe I'll do a poll for that...?

I do also know I'll be dealing with family stuff (nothing bad lol) for about a week around the end of the month going into next month, so I also don't know how that's going to effect progress.

So overall just letting people know that I'm making progress on things, but it hasn't exactly been fast this month. (It should be going smoother, but sometimes things just be like that.)

Mika butt may or may not get squeezed into the update as well, depends.




> (No, she's not invisible.) ...I admit, it was where *my* mind went first.

Wyse Ebbah

Mika looking crisp as ever. Hellwan's jewellery/outfit looks quite good too.


Hehe. Mika’s but squeezed in next update. Nice words play here.


Yeah I felt like I should clarify that lol, almost didn't till my brain thought people might come to that conclusion.


Mika's butt is looking mighty fine.


I will say she looks quite... voluminous? Which is fine; everybody doesn't need to have the same body type.


I'd sure like to squeeze Mika's butt.


"But I'm pretty sure most people want the full thing in one go? Mebbe I'll do a poll for that...?"


My personal preference is for things to be whole. But for me that means that all of the labyrinth's characters are there on initial release even if only as a placeholder. And when characters are later implemented, their entire content is added instead of doling out pieces.


If too much is held back and then released at once, then I find it difficult to explore all the content. That's my personal opinion anyways.


I love you too, Thresh.


I think Iabel's tiddy is going to literally kill me. Good game.