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This is mostly for when she wraps the kimono around you for a titfuck.

There will be a poll to garner feedback posted shortly after in regards to the PC appearance in ero cg. Between 'generic h-protag', and silhouette colors.
I am also open to suggestions if people have them to put in the comments.

The cg itself is still subject to some changes, but is basically done at this point with a number of variations, some teased in the last image.

This definitely wont be in game  for a bit as I'm going to need to finalize a decision based on feedback for the character appearance in lewd cg, and get that finalized in the Aiko cg.

(v23.6 is still being worked on btw, the fight is taking a bit of effort, and I'm trying to pace myself so I don't burn out or something lol. So people will def be happy with it once it does come out (provided you like Venefica), it's just taking longer than planned.)




Honestly, as long as you show progress and updates occasionally you can take as long as you want. People usually get agitated cause devs don't show any progress in ages or just don't say why it's taking so long.


This is great. I am curious as to the scope of future lewd CGs being limited to unique/bosses and just how many each will get. I assume signature holds for boss monsters is a given.


The art looks fun cant wait and don't worry about the update take your time I'm just glad you let us know why its taking longer other creators don't bother its good for you to take your time no point in releasing a rushed patch that you'll have to hotfix anyway


Tbh I expect a hotfix either way, no matter how hard I try to catch everything I somehow still miss bugs >>


Understandable xD, but don't beat yourself too much over it. Things like that can't be controlled and you're obv working hard.


It happens no ones perfect even triple a studios with millions of dollars and hundreds of people working still get absurd amounts of bugs in their games. Try not to be too hard on yourself the fact you go back to fix them is amazing


"Taking longer than planned", pretty much just writing code in a nutshell, not to mention actual writing, not that i'm an expert. Anyways, looking forward to it. Cheers.


As an amateur author, I can confirm that you spend less time writing (it's still a lengthy process, dear God is it a lengthy process) and more time figuring out the next chapter. It never helps, either, when you're basically trying to justify how something happens and to who.


Honestly if I would not be a Patreon I would now support you. Damn is this awesome. Aiko is for me after Trisha and Vili my favourite so yey more Aiko and damn this looks confy.


Pink one being wrapped in bed-chan c: ? While getting paizuri C: ? Oh baby yes


As long as the CG is all POV the hero appearance won't matter that much. Hopefully all the CG will continue to be first person. Take your time man, we are a patient bunch!