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Himika and Mizuko's art is done by Jiffic.

In other news I think I figured out how to fix the Android update issue people have been having for a long while in about 2 updates.

Don't know when I'll get their art actually in game as to properly show height I may need to do some things. Also their event + combat event is pretty lengthy and will take some time to do all the needed expression changes.

So I may hold off until after the rest of the NPC update is done.




Love it. Love this game. Unlike BlackGate


Mmmf, that's some *fantastic* art. Great job!


ngl Himika's art is way better than my mental image up til this point and given she's one of my faves this makes me VERY happy


Hey Thresh. What's on the roadmap? I'm not active on Discord and I don't think you've shared a plan for the next patch yet?


More NPC stuff for v22, which is when the npc update was planned for, I just ended up having to break it into chunks. The guild sisters for example still need their updates.


Himika and Mizuko are my favorite encounter. cant wait!


This may have been asked/answered before, and I apologize if that's the case, but out of curiosity, is there any timeline for art of Belle or the hidden glade? I think those are the only ones currently missing pre-temple.


Both of them are currently low priority for character art, Belle due to a lack of content, and Selena for the side areaness of it, also the kind of unearthly beauty will be hard to capture I think. But they will get art eventually.


Don't know if it's the most current version or a few versions back, but either the sample 'addition' files need update or became flat out broken. I setup some additional loot and victory event for elf enemy a good few versions back (I think it was before Trish got her image) and it was working fine, but now it stopped working completely where I can't go into my self created victory event or get additional loot from elf (I had it set as 100% drop rate).


FINALLY! FINALLY we well see them with all there smugness and finally I can get the picture from Zero One and Two out of association with them. Though they looked cuter in my imagination. Well at least it is understable now, why they have the Title "of Terror"


While Belle does lack content, I do see a lot of her since I do a lot of work at the bar.