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Update progress goes well, but not as well as I hoped. Update eta is the around the end of the month though.

Ancilla's update will be in v20.1 (give or take a bug fix) not in the initial v20 update.

I'm not sure if the 3rd Sofia fight, which unfortunately is the fight using the art teased will be in the initial v20 update either. Though the art will still be in the update.

But the 1st and 2nd fights will most certainly be ready.

Additionally aside from a bunch of bug fixes, I also added more layers to the character art display.

But more importantly there are 3 new game features that I believe people will be very happy to have, even if 2 of those features are just for the Sofia fights for now. Well, technically 2 of the features are fairly similar.

No I'm not telling you what they are, you'll find out when the update hits.

Meanwhile on the art front, it's moving a bit slower than I thought it would be, I'm currently waiting on artist commissions to available.

But there is still art on the way, one of which will either be getting into v20.1 or v20.2 as v20 itself is going to take a lot of effort to get done.  



Thanks for not spoilering it! 頑張ってください


Hype! Sofia is bestgirl


RIP Ancilla/Sofia 3 update, but understandable, sounds like you've been busy as hell with the other stuff. Definitely looking forwards to the new features and Sofia 2! Forest Dungeon has too many dang best girls, other areas are you even trying?