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v18 change log 


Also get ready for typos and probable bugs!

Content – Temple Dungeon! – Note: The dungeon is currently incomplete and unable to be completed.

-A dungeon you actually walk around in!

-5 new enemies. 

-2 non-fightable NPCs in the dungeon.

-Skill check based trials!

-A sort of side quest, that also can’t be completed as you can’t finish the dungeon yet.

Note: After completing the initial portions of the dungeon the random encounters will stop occurring, I’ll be adding a feature to toggle them back on in a future patch. So don’t worry about losing out on content.

Other Content

-Added Monstrous to the fetish list, for tails, wings, and what have you. It can also be gained from older events and scenes.

-6 new equipment items.

-Trance status effect! Talk to Elena in town for more details. Also there’s a consumable item to help deal with it.

Art – Note: Neither of the new art’s currently change emotions.

-Vivian by Plasmid – She has a nude and lingerie versions that are not yet utilized.

-The Matago by Applehead.


-The lion’s amulet accessory now has a drawback.

-When the sleep effect ends for the player, they get to act that turn.

-Nerfed Semen Frenzy from 50% attack boost on enemies to 30%.


-StoreCurrentEventSpotSkippingLines and GoBackToStoredEvent functions now exist for events. Used for repeatable events and going back to a different spot depending where it’s triggered. Be careful wen using it, read the section in the mod manual or the examples of it in the temple dungeon.

-RunningWontSkipEvent precombat event function allows the event to continue after combat even if the player runs. Precombat and precombat monster functions are now also detected in a smarter way.

-PlayerStep applies out of combat status effects to the player, only aphrodisiac currently.

-ChangeWill, ChangePower, ChangeTech, ChangeAllure, and ChangeLuck, added to allow permanent alterations to player stats.

-PermanentChangeStatusEffectResistances – Allows permanent alterations to the players ability to resist status effects.

-PermanentlyChangeFetish – Permanently add fetishes to the player, can not be removed by the goddess statue.

-ChangeMaxArousal - ChangeMaxEnergy – ChangeMaxSpirit – Change the respective maximum permanently for the player.

-IfPlayerHasStatusEffectWithPotencyEqualOrGreater and IfMonsterHasStatusEffectWithPotencyEqualOrGreater - functions to check status effect potency in combat events.

-DefeatMonster – Defeats the focused monster, giving out exp and loot for the player when combat ends.

-RemoveStatusEffect – Removes a specified status effect from the player.


-Stopped renpy from deleting the mod folders when it makes a distribution for the game. Thereby fixing the issues people were having with the mod loader.

-Lillian can now have a bubble on the main menu. Under fixes because I forgot to do that before.

-Getting fetishes once you hit max fetish level will no longer continue to add to you temp Fetish count, so when you go to pay off your fetishes you can’t theoretically go into the negative fetish levels. 

-Player equipment now properly updates with changes to the items equipped.

-Fixed an issue where enemies could ignore the stance escaped rules and put you into a stance anyways.

Save Integrity: Good, probably.  Make sure to load your old save in town! 

Mod Integrity: Goodish. -Reminder to manually update your save in options while in town, if you want to use an old save when you add mods.



I got so many bugs, and yet I'm sure I missed some...


Loving the update so far! Got a crash on the Tengu's loss scene: <a href="https://pastebin.com/Er72B0LR" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/Er72B0LR</a>


Also, I really like the actual text-adventure-like dungeon you can explore. Pretty awesome 👍


So just want to make sure I am not missing something, but the second Fox girl trial is currently impossible to succeed at right?


I will list bugs I find here; Error in church while cleansing festishes. Probably because of the new one? Typos: Deceiding(beginning) Deafeat(not sure) Not a typo but the ninja uses her pussy instead of anus in skills. Reachig(Minoni) Giveing(Minoni) Intracate(end of red trial) Brests(Aiko)


I got past her - maybe you need more max arousal (if it's the one I'm thinking of)? You'll know when you get to the bit that's actually unimplemented (through the double doors, after finishing both sides).

Anthony Thomas

lots of typos but the content is still great, thanks for getting it to us lol

Anthony Thomas

Now rest you deserve it, work on fixes later lol

Neko Alchemy

Man, I've got 290 Arousal with a Cock Ring of Justice on and I'm STILL losing to the second Willpower trial. Is there something I'm missing?


If you're fully under her spell, she does about 900 arousal in that trial. If you're not at all and successfully ignore her, it looks like she does about 60...soo...yeah.


Probably not a popular opinion, but not a gigantic fan of the enemies this update. The dungeon crawling mechanic makes it feel more like a game and is very well done. But the enemies seem very...vanilla and samey. YMMV. Hoping the next update brings more unique enemies.


I can pass breasts but not ass. Maybe it has something to do with Fetish lvls? Anyway I think you need about 300 max arousal.


Probably because we've already had these monsters in some form. Harpy Tengu are just mountain harpies, especially with how they attack you. The ninja's are similar to the ninja's on the mountains, but not as much as the harpies. Plus the only character really fleshed out is the Fox lady. Minoni amusing but limited. But there's the second half of the dungeon still coming, I'm guessing that will help a lot. Still, I like the content and it's a good amount to play around with until the next patch.


Yea that's probably the reason. Its just previous monster x in a kimono kinda thing.


I hope she isn't doing around 900, both the ass and breasts trials should be doing around the 300 mark once you're under her spell. Though it might need some tuning to be less difficult. Or more items that can be used to increase max hp temporarily.


The 'tengu' harpies might need a slight change to their AI so they use their song attack more rather than their normal skills, and maybe a few other tune ups. I do feel like the Tengu and Kunoichi trainee's personalities might have a bit too much cross over right now. I'm also thinking I might add an extra attack path to both of the named enemies. I might also add in another generic enemy into the encounter pool in the temple at some point. and it's not so much a second half to the dungeon as much as the final portion. Past the big door is one more named enemy, then the dungeons boss fight.


If I'm not mistaken, there is a little bug on the ass trial : the last arousal hits at 500 (probably a typo). Great update by the way :)


Yeah I shouldn't have said second half. But I'm really looking forward to the conclusion of the dungeon, I wonder what the final boss will be like with the ''optional difficulty''. I like what you did with Aiko, not being able to screw her in the butt.


I tried making out with the ninja trainee and all of sudden it gave me the dialogue for Aiko's wrap you up in her kimono attack.


Is there currently any way to get in a fight with Minoni? I noticed she has combat skills/dialogue, but no way to initiate combat.


Nope. Her profile looks to be based on the Minotaur, so the combat is probably from there.


I've talked to him a little bit about it, but neither him nor I actually want to be the people who RUN a Discord channel, due to a combination of not knowing how to do so, lacking the time, or lacking the motivation in general. If you want to make one yourself, feel free to go ahead, or talk to the big man Threshold himself.


I might actually cobble one together, then watch it go to shit as it will basically be un-moderated. As that's not really something I want to be throwing time into that on top of all the other stuff I need to do. Nor do I have any experience running a discord server or in moderating a server/forumish thing. But what could possibly go wrong? Also I would most likely do it as a patron only link, but I won't really care if non-patrons sneak into it.


All that content is literally just the same as the normal minotaur's, as I just copy pasted that over as a base for the minotaur description to rework into Minoni's. But I had a feeling people might want to do things with Minoni after making her a minor character you can't lewd.


I want to do lewd things with all the things! Though primarily I wish to lewd Elly and Lillian.


I also wanna figure out a way to get Minoni into Kotone's room...for no reason whatsoever :P


Strange occasional bug when defeating harpies on the mountain, you get 'teleported' into the Will-Power Temple. Sometimes after the no-cumming test, sometimes an endless hall you cannot escape until you pass out or all events/enemies replaced with Kunoichi Students that ends with you waking up in the church. Hasn't happened to me 100% of the time and not always with errors.


I've had the same thing happen to me with different lines as well in the Forest, and I have literally no idea why it's happening. The bugs that have been happening haven't been this interesting since like the v11 releases where like everything caused a crash.


Mostly the last one, I want to see how deep minoni is. Also because lewd reasons.


I have encountered two new bugs so far; first is after increasing breast fetish via Nicci, I went to get it cured and somehow I am at -1 fetish level. Went from 3 to -1 there, just in case you're curious. Second I put on a ring of allure and never lose the +5 allure even when I switch to another accessory. It doesn't add another +5 when I put it back on however. FYI this is after starting a new game, so I doubt there's old save bugs cropping up. Thanks again for the update, still going through the new content.


Well I haven't been able to recreate the allure ring/equipment issue, I did fix another equipment issue involving the trance status effect with older saves. But whatever is causing you issue is probably entirely different. I wonder if there's another step other than just equipping the item to get this to trigger...