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Generally I go for longer times between updates for more stuff.

But I figured I should actually see what people would prefer.

In some cases for dungeons and new areas I'll have to do the longer update times irregardless so it's not just a blank area with like, one or two things.



Large content drops feel good and give people something to chew on for a while. However, it's still nice to see the regular status updates.


I think it's nice to have both every once and a while. For things like new areas it makes a lot of sense to have it be a large content drop all at once, but it's still important to backfill older areas with content or to retouch other things with smaller updates. Plus new quests every once and a while can be fun, which can be either small or large content updates.

Anthony Thomas

For me as long as its once a month I am fine, longer than that is bad juju for me


For me, 3-4 weeks feels like the optimal time.