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Should have done a recap on the rest of May sooner but kind of forgot to do it so it's getting bundled into this status report. Provided I remember everything properly. Which this is for v26.1 stuff not the recent v26.2 update which will also begone over.

There may have been some assorted fixes and QoL in May after the status report, otherwise it was contact with artists, getting the new inn background into the game, and then going through a number of characters I felt like writing new scenes for, some of which like Sofia's new butt based attack chain and Ceris' shower scene have been things I've been wanting to add for ages but never found time for. Stella felt like she needed some more post take with you interaction [and still does], but the sleep scene idea seemed like a fun idea so I did it. I was going for adding something to try and add to each location, didn't reach that, but it's why looking through the caverns Nova got a new scene as she had fairly limited options still, and I think it turned out to be a fine addition to her content. Venefica even got a brief escape from content jail to get a new oral focused scene to make use of her long tongue for her milking scenes because it was hot.

Which should cover the rest of May stuff/v26.1 unless I'm forgetting stuff, now onto June/v26.2.

Then shortly into June there was a bug fix patch to fix a crucial issue and some assorted other things along the way. Then it was into applying the v7->8 swap with much thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater, before getting into a bunch more bug fixing and QoLs, including some very annoying to fix bugs, I also worked back and forth with Applehead on the Alraune CG which due to a mistake on my part needed a tweak near the tail end of the month so her mouth wasn't entirely concealed by the UI. I'm kind of surprised the CG made it in that month tbh xD
Near the start of the month I additionally worked with Val to revise a scene with the camper trio to make it flow better with Cathy's work position and in general make it better. Before adding the QoL/lore thing that is the Labyrinth quest for accessing nightmare mod everywhere, which make need some revisions to make sure it all adds up properly, but it already too much more time to write and think on things for that writing than it took to mechanically implement. Was much big thinks.
Then around middle of month I got big mechanical thinks on stuff and decided to try giving Paralysis and Restraints fairly substantial rehauls in their own ways, which I will definitely be listening to feedback on, and reports of jank occurring because I'm sure the acting during restraints thing can cause weird things to happen. So these changes should hopefully make CC effects less of a crippling issue across multiple status effects and allow both more options to deal with these situations and counter play to deal against them, while keeping them deadly in their own ways. 
Otherwise for status effects aphrodisiac probably needs some kind of tweak, and trance is kind of weird in its combat event reliance, but I don't think those issues are as much of an issue as the hard CC problem. Working on paralysis and restraints also got me considering making a form of 'break/stagger' bar in the form of bliss/euphoria going up from certain effects and damage, and at max you would lose extra spirit and have a higher chance to get crit, or other effects, it is a conceptual idea. But I also felt it would be a very big mechanic to potentially put in part way through development and would be a very big shift in the dynamic in how fights would play out, so I decided to not pursue that for now. But I do feel there is erotic merit in the idea for getting too overwhelmed with excitement/attraction that climaxes become more ruinous.

Then after the status effect changes I went to look into a small issue of Aiko not being hard enough, which led me to notice her lack of perks, and then that sent me down a rabbit hole of giving MANY characters perks fitting them that they seemed to lack and to match their levels better with the players count. As well as adding some new monster specific perks that I had the functionality made for a long while back and didn't yet add in fully, meaning their damage should also now keep pace with the player when using their specialties. Let me know if anyone is now cracked as hell to battle at level lol. This should also make Sofia and Venefica's harder fights a bit more scary.

Then to round off the month I wrote some sex scenes for the graffiti queen shop keeper, which I think turned out very good.

And going into this next month, July, I will be doing more fixing of bugs and issues that may have appeared after v26.2a had to be put out, otherwise I'm going to see where things go. There's also a likely amount of art commission contacting I'll need to do as well.


Sothe Dain

I am DEEPLY excited to see all these things and more, thanks for all your hard work!

Dynamatic Daniel

Thresh as always being a great person to be a Patron of 🙏 Some kind of bliss meter makes sense contextually and definitely makes the fights hotter (especially when deliberately losing) but how you balance it would be the issue; if you made it a proper meter, I feel lile combat would shift to favour much more combo-focused builds, where you try and get your opponent in trance, then a stance, then f the hell out of them in 2 moves. But instead, if you made it a flat status, applied after a certain percentage of arousal is taken one-sidedly (i.e you take 50% of your max arousal without dealing 10% of theirs back) then it's kinda more like a "lost in the moment" type of effect, which you can set easier ways to gain and lose. I don't know how much more damage you would take or how it would effect stats, but that's my 2 cents! Thanks as always for the amazing content tho

Dynamatic Daniel

Though now that I think about it, making someone cum is essentially a combo battle, so it does make sense.. And is more punishing to builds which are just crit machines, because if they can't break out of a bind or stance amd get blissed, they're more less likely to be able to recover?