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Well this is way later than I planned on, with all the bug fixing and assorted stuff after that I kind of spaced doing this when I meant to.

Also will mention the art repo has been updated with the new assets from the update, for 5$+ patrons as per normal.

April started off with the MBD update which I mildly had to rush with how days fell on a weekend, and me also thinking that April first was on the Tuesday not the Monday, like a dumbo. And with Otani being very busy I didn't get to do what I was originally rolling around in my head, maybe next year I'll do that. I hope people enjoyed the few extra scenes in it and the 2 erotic scenes.

Then the rest of this month was primarily getting the arcade's dialogue scenes, the ticket rewards, and minigames all working, there was lots of thinking and planning involved. The snake game was an especially fun 2 day adventure to make. (It's stutter issues will be fixed in the next update thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater btw.) I also think some of the art assets like DP cg were added in that month? I think?

For the minigames as well, the slime parade game almost ended up snake-like game of Imp Conga or Wurm [Jora munching gold and stuff] before I settled on the slimes given their colorful assets and fruit eating habits. I was also originally going to add more stat check based games like impchinko, but after making it I realized it would run into a number of issues that would make them unpleasant to play and make outside of the luck version itself. Originally Fertillia Fertillia was going to be Labyrinth but literally pac-man, but eventually when doing edits to some stuff with Val I decided to shift it to more of a ninja theme, which I think worked as an odd stealth pac-man thing, though I also feel like using the labyrinth system might be holding it back for how fun it could have been. But hopefully people have enjoyed them to some extent. I also wouldn't mind adding more minigames in the Arcade at some point, but they are not even remotely a priority.

I did also lose about four days of work time last month to surprise family visit time. But the update was still completed on time at least in a state I wasn't unhappy with. Though I really want to add sex for the Livewire shopkeep.

Next is/was lots of bug fixing and QoL stuff, then once that's settled it's likely going to be adding more sex scenes? But otherwise now that the entrance district to the capital has been made I now have multiple different ways to go for more capital content [Aphrodesia district, alleyways, and other options], it will take a bit before the quest for the Int Sigil can be set up properly in it but it will get there, the intention is when you re-enter the city after the initial intro with DP there will be a scene explaining how to get the Int Sigil, but as you can't get it or really progress in that task yet I wanted to avoid leaving a hanging thread there and instead want to get enough of the city set up for it so you can actually get it before I add the 'quest' scene.

Though this month [May] has so far been a lot of fixing stuff so far, and also taking post update break time to not over work after the hot fix rush that occurred. But there will still be another update this month.


phill Perkins

will we be getting the main body of stella in like the next 2 or 3 updates

John deer

Thresh, I think you've lost the plot a bit here. I'm not playing this game to play snake. I'm here for the sexy monster girls. The core gameplay loop is incredibly engaging and the writing is the best in the genre and it's not close. The labyrinth was ok because it gave a strong sense of being hunted and trapped in a way the regular loop didn't provide yet. I'm not sure the same can be said of the arcade games. Even if you could (for example) convert tickets to scenes, the arcade game itself isn't adding anything. Besides, on Android these games are a real bitch to play because tapping is so imprecise. This is a common enough trap that prozd did a sketch on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1ZKcZbi1rg I understand this is a passion project, and you are of course welcome to make the game in any way you like. I can hardly be critical given the quality of the work, but I'm certain if you fleshed out the sections you already had planned with simple monster combat and events, (Like the Forest or the Mountain) you could toss the game up on steam and many would happily pay for it.


The minigame didn't take that long to make, and I felt it would be odd to have an arcade location that you can't do anything in that you could do in an arcade. They're also entirely optional content. If people don't want to play the actual minigames but want some of the ticket items it's not hard to just do the impchinko mini game for a little bit and get what you want. And overall the game is designed with PC in mind first, then android, so there's always going to be some amount of oddness in the transfer over. I also don't intend to sell the game ever, it's meant to always be free. Though I would like to put it on steam at some point. The capital is also meant to feel more like a sprawling place, sort of like if the temple dungeon ate a town, which is why stuff will be added to it in chunks, which may feel odd at certain points of its creation. I hope once it is fully complete people will like it. The casino [luck dungeon] is likely to be more of a straight forward dungeon of sorts. Then the desert does actually go back to the explore/adventure method, with the pyramid intended to be another dungeon location.