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The con is finally done and i can get back to doing regular posting.

For those not in the knew it was a slight disaster. The short of it was there wasn't a massive turnout of people spending and i was placed in an area where NOBODY was walking, so i only interacted with maybe a dozen people over 2 days. BUT it wasn't a complete waste of time as i learnt so much and spoke to so many artists. Also i drew this.

Plan now is to get the Elf poll up and get to work on a few drawings this week. Plan is an Ann, something kawakami, something Tae and maybe complete some sketches and comics. I have plenty of ideas, and the valentines ideas like some more Tae x Kawakami and Makoto x Ann, some drunk Yor and maybe some Marin if the right idea pops into my head.

Thank you all for being so understanding with the lack of art during this time, so lets get back to it!




So flashy and shiny! ✨️