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Hey everyone, quick update for this week.

So Kin won the poll so i have started to plan out the sketch, along with another version of Makoto and chibi's (thinking either best girls or arcana's) and a SFW Pomni to go with the very NSFW Pomni.

Now these all might be a little delayed as i've just been told my nan (the women that raised me and my sisters) has taken a turn for the worse and will have days left with us, so i'll be spending some time with family so we can be with her when so goes. I'll probably have something this week as i do draw as a copping thing but just wanted you all to be aware incase you were wondering where all the art was.

Thank you all for your patience and as always any feedback on the sketches is apricated!




I'm sorry about your Nan. Take as much time as you need. We'll still be here when you're ready. ❤️❤️


I'm going to continue the echo chamber of telling you to take the time you need! And Remember to take care of yourself too!