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Hey everyone,

Quick sketch update on what to expect going into next week. I have finally started sketching onsie Juri (this will have a spicy alt) i decided to try Misato again as i wasn't completely happy with the last one and thought i could do better as you all voted for her (also will have a spicy alt) As a celebration of 2 years of commissions i have an Elizabeth and finally Vampire Concept design Ann (i think i shared this before) kinda want an alt where she's just covered in blood but we'll see. And a couple of Comms that i won't spoil yet.

Comic side of things the next idea i'll do is the Ann Podcast, a series of comic's where Ann reviews Manga with Makoto...Ann is picking the Manga, pray for Makoto! Also kinda wanna do another Killers pod with Adachi, Haru and Axe-chan reviewing the Barbie movie...we'll see.




Can't wait for those podcasts!!


Ooooh Adachi