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OK so a quick update on my 2023 goals, and it's a big one...i cleared all my debt!

Now this might not seem like a big deal but i'd like to give a short backstory (you can skip this paragraph if you just want the new Goal's and discount news) Toward the end of the 2020's i was drowning in debt, a job that was going nowhere, about 2 friends and had effectively given up any hope of getting a house or partner, i'd given up on life in my 30's. Then in a wild twist of fate, covid happened. This changed my life is SO many ways, but mainly gave me more time to draw, which led to me improving rapidly, leading to me gaining a small following and to where we are now. Drawing, and all you amazing patreon's, commissioner's and anyone that purchased my merch, changed my life! For the first time in my adult life i'm debt free and feel like my life has started anew. Seriously THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! None of this would have been possible without you, and i can finally start to dream about maybe one day having a home i can call my own and maybe even a partner (they are a LONG way off but i won't bore you with the details) THANK YOU ALL FOR YOU CONTINUED SUPPORT! 

Now what does this news mean for you? Well i won't be changing my prices anytime soon, but i do want to look at ways to have more tiers, but i need to be able to offer something (like a prints tier, or stickers tier, something physical) but until then starting Feb 1st discounts on the Super Rare Tier will increase to 15% on commissions and prints (i'll make sure any commissions taken when they open next weekend will also have this discount!) 

Next i've set a new Goal, at 300 Patreon's (another of my new years goals) i'm going to make a Kawakami Dakimakura! Yes that's right, it's going to happen, be it on a new PC or struggling on Procreate, i will make it happen!

Other little things i want to do is start doing more Sonic art as well as more Comic's (i have SO many ideas) and have some more prints that i can sell at tables that's more SFW. But don't worry, Spicy and alike will remain, your just going to see more of the battle drawings i've been doing (speaking of which Aigis is looking fire and she'll be up later.

And again, if i haven't said this enough, thank you. Every single one of you, still here or only for a month or 2, have completely changed my life and i cannot thank you all enough! You all rule!




Congratulations! I'm so happy that you've improved so much and I'll continue rooting for you!


Congrats Haysey!!! Thats awesome to hear and thanks so much for all your hard work and all the stuff you do for us, love all your work and can't wait to see where you're going next! 😃


Congratulations! That must feel, so freeing! I can't wait for the Kawakami Dakimakura! ❤️


Daki Hype👀


Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat


It's the dream but i need to get my own place first :( I can't get one in london while renting, one of my long term goals