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!UPDATE! Patreon have confirmed that this is an issue their end, some of you on Rare F can see the posts while others can't, and they can't find a reason why so they've passed it onto their engineers. They haven't given me an ETA on when they might be able to fix this, so for now Rare F will remain unpublished. It would appear Super Rare are fine which is VERY annoying, i don't want to charge extra just to see the few futa posts, so if i post any futa content and you can't see it message me and i'll send you a google docs link to the image until this is fixed.

I'm very sorry about this, it's out of my hands while patreon try and fix it. 

Hey everyone,

So last week i updated the Tiers so we have just the 3 pay brackets

-£1 Common (Tip Jar, Wallpaper, Comics)

-£5 Rare (Everything i draw but not Futa) (the old £4 and £6 tiers are merged)

-£5 Rare F (Everything i draw inc Futa)

-£9 Super Rare (all the above inc Futa and a discount on commissions, basically just for people who can afford to share a bit more)

It would appear Rare F isn't working as it should. Most of you on this Tier can't see the futa exclusive stuff for some reason. I have raised this with Pateron but i have no idea when they'll look at this and what the result will be, so for now i've unpublished Rare F. You'll still get everything else, i just can't post the futa stuff until this is sorted. I'll keep you updated in messages.

Thank you all for your continued support and i hope you enjoy todays piece! 


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