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Hey everyone, it's that time to go over the weeks drawings!

I have at least 3 nailed down, Purrah and Zelda (i said i'd do one if there was Zelda at the Nintendo direct!) Baywatch Sumi and Akia and Fina (this will be more a big cloud drawing but i wanted them to look good still) Last one is an idea i have for another spicy swimsuit, i just can't decide if i do Kawakami and Tae (again) or switch it to Ann and Makoto?

Also wanna get one more Morrigan in, was thinking of making next Month another Fighting Gal month as i'd really like some awesome prints of Fighting game Gals, and as Persona 3 and 4 are also fighting game characters they count as well (i'm still chasing a really good Mitsuru piece)

Also i have all the pieces to start sending prints, i just need to set up the actual shop, i'll have a special discount for you all, and especially Super Rare's, just need time!

Anyway i hope you are all staying hydrated!




Oh snap! More Skies!


Was just thinking to myself the other day how much I miss Purah content🙏🏼🙏🏼


Ann & Makoto or Tae & Kawakami, either way looking forward to seeing that one come together!!