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Animecon is finally over and it was a blast! Lots of followers turned up for a print (Especially for Kasumi and Kawakami x Tae) i was hoping to get some work done but alas i was too tired...until TODAY.

So this week I'm going to work on some ideas i had at the con. The Futaba Baywatch will now be solo with Kasumi getting her own (the Futaba idea is attached, she'll do anything to not take her jacket off lol)

And something i was asked alot was more Tifa so... how about Tifa and Aerith being just the best gal pals...yep, just gal pals there.

I'll revist Akia too, i'm inspired to make her more dynamic, as well as Makoto can crush, but the above 2 will be first.

And i should be able to finally move onto my online store prep, so everyone that missed out can get a chance at a print and a proper discount! 




New Haysey Sumi!? Sign me the F up!!

Bryan Yoshismash

Eeeeeeeeeeeeei, you're happy for the con AND your online shop is ongoing, congratulations 👌