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Hey everyone, Wnated to give you all a quick update on what i'm working on.

The last week has been a bit slow due to me catching some kind of stomach bug and quitting caffine... at the same time, so i haven't been able to do as much as i normally do, but that doesn't mean i haven't been doing stuff.

First, Morrigan won the outfit poll so i started sketching some ideas for kawakami and think i've settled on this pose with more wild hair.

Second, there was a drawing of Makoto and Mitsuru from a couple months back that i just wasn't happy with...so i'm re-doing it with Short hair Mitsuru. Hopefully this one will be better!

Third the BIG Kawakami piece, Kill La Kill returns... with SAE! Might give this one more go so it flows better and i can get Tae in there.

And lastly i've had a few ideas for the rest bof the month, namely a Pin-Up Kawakami in a swimsuit... fishing, Styled like those old 50'/60's pin-ups. Might be fun! 
