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Checking in to keep everyone up-to-speed on what I've been doing the last few days.

Let's get right into it; Update 24 is moving along, and the roughs are done. I'm working on the linework as of this post, and that's gonna take a couple of days, so I'll likely wait until that's done to post the WIP materials for that, likely by 7/28.

After I clear my commission backlog for the summer, I'll start revamping the support tiers for my Patreon, along with cleaning up my social media presence, which is much more important given what's going on with Twitter these days. I eventually want to move towards doing mainly Patreon-exclusive stuff, and this'll help with that, I hope.

Thanks for your support and patience as i try to work some of this stuff out, I'll have some stuff to show you soon!


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