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As the title says, I'm removing the $1/mo. "Tip Jar" tier and leaving everything in the $5 "Supporter" tier for now.

I figure it's kinda useless as it is since I don't post sketches constantly(only the roughs for final images I post)and literally everything else is behind the $5 tier anyway. I'd do more sketches and doodles, but I can't put all of my time into this just yet due to other obligations I have during the day. Outside of a couple of hours a day and the occasional open weekend/holiday, I don't have much time to sit and draw without distractions.

I don't think anyone gets a lot of value out of just the sketches anyway, and it also added extra work splitting the posts up when I could sometimes post multiple steps or the whole thing in one day, reducing the need for people to constantly check in and go through multiple posts throughout the week to grab things.

I know I'll probably lose some of you, and that's okay; I'll still post roughs, teasers and other stuff to Twitter and/or Pixiv, and there's always commissions for those interested in really specific stuff. Don't feel like you have to upgrade if you don't want to; I know things are financially tight for a lot of people right now.

I'm also considering ditching the weekly post schedule, if only so I can post things as I finish them or whenever else I'd want or be able to, allowing me to work on smaller things when I'd like to, stuff that doesn't seem worth making people wait a week to see the final image. I'll post and update if I decide to go in that direction.

At the end of the day, I'm still trying to figure things out, and I thank you for your patience. Despite this being something I'm doing on the side, I hope you stick with me as I work to improve, as an artist and as a content creator.



That's honestly fair enough. As a one dollar supporter I honestly was amazed at how much you gave to us I'll upgrade my subscription thank you for notifying us