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My main drive for my computer is dead.  

I was able to save the next few weeks of content, only b/c I set those posts up in advance and uploaded the files here, minus the banners for the next few posts, the older timelapse videos, and the timelapse for Week 4. If you notice the quality of the banner images dropping on Weeks 2-4, that's why.  

Every original file for every piece of digital art I've ever made was on that drive, plus photographs and scans of stuff I did w/pen, marker and paper from years back. My settings and shortcuts for Clip Studio, drivers, applications, documents and reference materials/artbooks...all gone.  

I gave myself the buffer of a few weeks by uploading and scheduling things in advance, otherwise this would be over before it even began.  

I'll be more responsible in the future with backups, and I'll have everything fixed and set up in the next week or so, so this shouldn't be a problem going forward. I just figured I'd put out a message letting people know.


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