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Short description: After Nick endangered Judy by not muzzling a criminal  they were arresting, he decides that it's time that he rids himself of  his phobia completely. He must if he wants to keep being her partner.  Hopefully Judy can help him with this hard task.

Glad that that's over! Of course this won't completely cure Nick of his phobia, but  facing his fear and able to come back from it with Judy's help is a  great step! And it opens up the possibility for a lot of future therapy  sessions the two can share!

I thought a lot about how to properly portray this problem and therapy,  and while I originally planned to have the comic take place on a single  day, I think instead the remaining pages will be a collage of a lot of  different times of Judy and Nick having a therapy session like this. I  hope you all are ready!

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This Page also has an UltraHD Editorial version available for Backer's: Editorial




so lovely