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Hello Lewd Crew!

Thank you all for your patience, last 2 weeks were crazy at my workplace, had to study a lot to prepare for a presentation for a possible future customer our boss took us to and time kinda slipped out of my hands.

Luckily everything wents smoothly and I might have more freetime in August than I had in July, I will do my best to deliver some extra content.

First off, something I was behind schedule with, the Lewd for June, Jamie and Cameron by Otterly's deer/tiger idiots series, requested by Herex!

The story follows Jamie the deer and Cameron the tiger growing up together and recent chapters they are older and sorta building up towards a relationship. (Be careful part 5 is a huge cliffhanger)

I try to finish up sketching the next page today! Monday at the latest, that's a promise!

On other news I also plan a lot of other sketching and maybe another video soon!

Yours truly,




i'm calling the polizei


No I didn't, I posted the sketch of the next page monday morning


Oh i'm a big dumb, I had the wrong reward tier lol. (also patreon's deleting comments thing is not the best)