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Hello again, I'll show you what I have so far.

I'm so close to finishing it I can almost taste it. 👅🧽😆

Sorry for the short process, I was very busy and some animations are complex.

I'm doing the first frame of a loop but I'm timing it and I think this will be the last since I only have a little over 10 seconds and I wanted to add as many animations and images as possible, and I didn't notice that I didn't have time anymore, it's say I won't animate the cum ending and instead it will be a picture of some climax pose

Honestly, I think it's more effective this way, you'll see what I mean.

I don't want to spoil the epilogue so this is the last update, I will also start doing the credits, when I finish this gif and the last image, (believe it or not that takes time) as usual their names will have some different style from the rest according to the support you gave me, thank you

And I still have to render the gifs and images for the extra material, it's still a lot but I think I'll be able to finish it and upload it before the end of this month

thank you very much for the support and your patience 💖




no se veran besos de la prostituta rubia de ojos celestes androide 18 D: que esta bien guapa para las escenas de besos


It looks great! The amount of talent you have for animation is incredible.


It keeps looking better and better! I hope there’s a kiss scene in it!


Se ve todo genial. Ya quiero que sea fin de mes para presenciar está obra maestra!


Almost there! Great work so far - can't wait to see the finished product.