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Mysterious and deadly objects

Cursed video tapes. Cursed boxes. If you can think of it, Japan probably has a cursed version of it. In this week’s episode, find out the horrific secrets behind the mysterious and deadly objects that everyday people have come across.




On a related note, Ellen Page went to Japan a couple of years ago for an episode of the show Gaycation, which I found really interesting, there are some clips of it on Youtube. It shows how Japan is still somewhat socially conservative about homosexuality in some ways even without having a predominant religious tradition in which it’s viewed as a sin and despite having things like a tradition of same-sex love in the samurai class (somewhat similar to the one in the “warrior aristocracy” of ancient Greece) a few hundred years ago (an element of samurai culture left out of most samurai movies, but explored in a few, like Nagisa Oshima’s Gohatto, and hinted at in Akira Kurosawa’s Kagemusha, which I didn’t fully pick up on until listening to a DVD commentary track for it. It’s also in an episode of the anime series Samurai Champloo).


Japan is super conservative about everything, not just homosexuality. Straight couples shouldn't be showing affection in public either. But there does remain a large stigma that "You should get married and then the woman should stay home and raise children." Again, not *specifically* against homosexuality, but against anything that isn't that norm. It's a real struggle for gay people and while a lot of it is simply "Don't be the nail that stands up," it's also a lot of American influence after WWII that came in and said no, homosexuality is bad.


I really like your stories about cursed boxes. By just listening, I sometimes feel like I'm unraveling something mysterious from the past.