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I'm sorry for not update last week. I had some setbacks, but surely I'll be uploading along this week!

Also, I'm doing some changes on my comic's layout: I'm already working on the portrait format (the classic western.)

For a time I felt intersting work on a comic format that you guys know already. It was inspired by the comic 300, by Frank Miller. But after some years, I started to feel tired of this format, maybe because I started to read more comics and I felt what I was doing was not following what I use to read. The idea, at the begin, was because the layout could fit on the screen without zoom, and with that I could work better on the details. I figured it would more comfortable to the reader to enjoy the comic.

Working on a new kind of layout renew my energy, so I the next uplades will be like this, and I will rearrange the Star Wars comic too.

Thank you guys for all the support,



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