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I'll be able to post only along this entering week. One of my rescued cats are very sick and I'm spending a time helping him. 

Still, I'm developing a new but short comic with Melanie and Rachel, so I might update around 3 pages in next days. Your feedback is pretty important, and with that I might resume the previous comic of them.

Thanks a lot for your guys support.


Iruma Mob 100

I’m sorry to hear about your cat! It always hurts when one of my pets gets sick so I can understand how you feel. I hope it feels better soon :) I also can’t wait to see the pages of the new Rachel and Melanie comic. I really love them as a couple ^^


Thanks for the support, dude! He is doing a little better now, but it got a routine of special care and lot of medications. Also, he got to be isolated from the other cats to not pass the disease to them too for 21 days. But you're right. It breakes our hearts.