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Mel is a karate 3rd dan. And Rachel is just waiting her training to finish to do some "tricks" and get her "treat."




If she's really good she gets a lick :D

Iruma Mob 100

It’s a great pic! I thought Melanie was a 3rd dan though. I remember from an earlier picture unless you’re retconning that 😅 Either way, it looks great! I love the Melanie and Rachel pics!


My goodness you made my day! Thanks for the correction! And I'm so glad for this feedback. I will upload more content of this couple in next days. You gave me a lot of inspiration now!

Iruma Mob 100

Hehe I’m happy to help in anyway I can ^^ I really love these two (that comic from awhile back with the two of them really helped with that ^^) I can’t wait to see more pics with the two of them soon! (One question, would it be possible to see a pic of the two with Rachel loving Melanie’s butt? I know the pics usually involve her loving Melanie’s feet but I thought it might be nice to see her loving more parts of Melanie ^^ You don’t have to if you don’t want to though ^^)


Oh I'm considering it already! Do you suggest same size or shrunk? Thanks a lot!

Iruma Mob 100

Hm that’s a good question! ^^ If it’s just one panel than possibly shrunk since that’s how Rachel usually loves interacting with her. But if you did a two or three panel pic than possibly start same size and end with her shrunk? I don’t know though 😅 I’m not an artist so I think you should just do what you feel is best ^^