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I'm trying to think some male sexy (or at least non-ugly) giants from media to draw fanart of. I honestly can only think of the giant version of Marvel's Ant-man (aka Giant-man)... so if you have any ideas / suggestions, I'm all ears ♥



Snap, I totally misread the assignment, thought you meant good subjects for gigantification, not natural giants, mea culpa


No worries. I definitely can use both ideas♥️ I just noticed there aren't many canonically giant male characters that are actually attractive, and want to see if anyone else knows about some...♥️ Thank you once again for your participation!

Foxie McGee

Ah am late but, there is Frost Giant Loki! He's very much an attractive canon giant, he was featured in Marvel's What If series. And if Doyle from Galaxy High counts even though the episode was supposed to be a dream sequence, I thought he was kinda cute xD. If you wanna go classic, I know I have seen some handsome versions of Gulliver in adaptations ofcourse lol


Not late at all, and those are actually some very good suggestions♥. I had completely forgotten about Frost giant Loki, and didn't really know about Galaxy High! Classics on the other hand are always welcome, though I'll make a different suggestion box for that ♥ Thank you for your suggestions!