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Edit: Added a couple more concepts starring these species♥

  • Quiet Butler: This (still nameless) woman was once a petite girl who used to be bullied and taken advantage of due to her unusually short size. One day she was found and rescued by a sorcerer prince, who put an enhancing-seal on her, making her grow exponentially in size and strenght. Now she has sworn use this new power to serve and protect him, never leaving his side! 
  • Golden Queen: Being cursed for as long as she can remember, this beloved queen reigns over her tiny subjects with strenght and fairness. Her curse will make her grow whenever she feels strong emotions, and eventhough she can get back to "normal" thanks to her trusty royal sorcerers, she'll stay a bit bigger every time. Let's hope she never gets too big for her own kingdom♥


Some amazon rambling for those who are interested in knowing a bit more of Riona and Ciaran's species ♥

Amazons are very similar to humans, only their gender roles (and some phyisical trais related to biological sex) are swapped compared to human's (as you can see in the first pic)

  • Amazon females are bigger and stronger than males, prone to developing muscle and working on jobs that require strength (which is a very desirable trait for a female in this species).
  • Amazon males, on the other hand, are usually smaller and more delicate, more suited for caring or intelectual jobs, and are usually more aware of their appearance and prone to dress up and wear make up.

They live in a fantasy world where there are lots of changing-size options, so I'll be doodling some characters that are (permanently or occassionally) bigger than the rest, and will leave them in this post ♥

  • Starting of course we have married couple Ciaran and Riona. He's a potion master, being able to create all kinds of potions for he and his wife to use. She, on the other hand, is an adventurer, so she uses the enhancement potions for completing her quests, and is known in their kingdom as a heroine for taking care of the hardest jobs. Ciaran, on the other hand, enjoys playing around with his potions and using both himself and his wife to test their results ♥

I'll probably update this same post with more amazons. If you have any ideas regarding this species, don't hesitate to comment down below ♥



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