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Good news is that I got unshadowbanned on Twitter and I hope to continue posting there on the later date!

Bad news is that until the end of the week I'll be on a trip to another city and won't be able to draw. During that time I'll be looking for a place to stay, but I've been stressed about it for a while. I really want it to work out, but this month is hard. I hope at the end of my move in autumn I'll be able to dedicate myself towards illustrations without excuses. Sorry for those months of my life that's been hard and not as active... I'll fix it!

I promise that I will try posting something on 11-12th, since I have Mori Calliope in my plans! I will make sure to pick up traditional drawing as well to produce many ideas for the next drawings and have a better schedule.


Omni, Nature’s Smore

Great news!! If there are more ways to support you, let me know


That's good that the shadowban was lifted! Moving is very stressful so we understand if there's a period of time of no posts. Focus on moving to your new place