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Hello there my darlings~! I hope you‘re all doing well! It’s that time in the middle of the month for my favourite people to receive their exclusive ASMR just for them! 🌹

You all deserve to be admired and treated like the angels you are, always remember Mommy adores you 🥰

Yours always

Ophelia ♥️


Jonathan Stark

Mommy sounds like she’s the one in need of a hug and cuddles.


Thank you for this <3 don’t mean to beat a dead horse but you deserve to hear it all the time. You’re the best, your demeanor, your voice, the way you treat the community, and your amazing roleplays make me so happy. Your roleplays make me feel safe and loved, allow me to go to sleep in bliss, and comfort me in times of emotional distress. As someone who suffers from depression and anxiety, it means the world to me that I found you since I constantly have thoughts that work against me. I don’t get to hear a lot of the things you say in your roleplays so hearing such a comforting and genuine voice from a genuine person say those things really helps. I’m a sucker for mature women and you really are the embodiment of a mature graceful mommy gf. I have a lot of trauma from people mistreating me in my past, I’ve been in a great situation for the last several years, but it still exists in me and that’s just another thing that your amazing voice helps with. Thank you truly, you help me cope with so much and make me feel okay when I’m not. I really can’t thank you enough! ❤️