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Hello, dear Patrons! I recently visited a fascinating museum that left me feeling utterly inspired. ✨

As I wandered through the halls, I couldn't help but wonder: If you could step into any painting or artwork for a day, which one would it be? Share your artistic daydreams in the comments below! 🖼️

And as always, thank you so much for being my muse, my motivation, and my supporters on this incredible journey. I’m so grateful for all of you being my patrons!! Let's make this September one to remember, filled with laughter, learning, and love for what we do! 🍂💫



maybe a painting of a beautiful field with flowers and plenty of baby goats. would be a cool painting to step into haha

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-21 01:08:35 Aww that sounds so cute!!
2023-09-21 08:18:19 Aww that sounds so cute!!

Aww that sounds so cute!!

Nicky Shortstacks

This is more of a cheat but I would like to go into the painting of the made by Raphel, "The school of Athens" to see the old world would be shocking but also fascinating. Life was so much more brutal back then but the ancient world just feels like it never really existed from a modern lens. It just seems so far removed from our more modern world. I'd love to see what it was like then.

OpheliaASMR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-21 01:08:35 Oh sneaky! Going into a historical painting to see the history first hand! 😆 That is a good idea though, and what a great time to pick in history too!
2023-09-21 21:42:16 Oh sneaky! Going into a historical painting to see the history first hand! 😆 That is a good idea though, and what a great time to pick in history too!

Oh sneaky! Going into a historical painting to see the history first hand! 😆 That is a good idea though, and what a great time to pick in history too!